Thursday, March 31, 2011

* The Pinwheel *

Spring and Summer are in the air....and what makes you feel more youthful than a pinwheel! They are like sunshine on a stick! These pinwheels are so easy to make and compliments to my friend Moe who let me borrow her Crafty Magazine (Better Homes and Gardens Special Interest Publication: Scrapbooks Etc.)

Directions to make a pinwheel:
 use a 6X6 sheet of paper (double-sided works best)
 turn the paper to look like a diamond and trace an X from point to point
 cut on each line leaving 1/2 inch when you reach the center....
 use a smaller size hole punch and punch a hole in every other corner and directly in the center
 attach all the points to the center with a brad and VOILA!

A polka dotted pinwheel just for you! I hot glued a bamboo stick to the back! These will look lovely coming out of the kids Easter Baskets and will look lovely decorating their bedrooms as well! These pinwheels are for decorating and cuteness....they do not spin.....but never the less...they are adorable and a little bit of sunshine in a still wintery world!

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